Growing… Living #SOL16 Day 1

“To live means to grow, and… failure to grow intellectually and socially is not living, but merely existing.” – Peter Johnston, Choice Words

This morning I met several co-workers bright and early to participate in our final book club meeting about Choice Words. We traveled varied distances, over snow-covered roads, some of us under the weather, to share in a commitment made months ago. In these past 6 weeks, we have been enlightened by Johnston’s ideas, gleaned from his observations of remarkable teachers. We have laughed, shared our fears and failures, but mostly, we opened ourselves to the possibilities of trying new approaches and strategies for our students.

I have to admit that recently I was feeling a bit down about teachers in our schools not having the opportunity to get out of the building for professional development. I believe that we all need the chance to renew our professional souls. Our book club meetings, however, have shown me that we have plenty of diversity and professionalism within our own district. We have so much to offer- to our students and to one another. What a powerful experience it is to learn together, to share in an experience that shakes you professionally.

We certainly have  grown intellectually and socially. Today we considered Now what? We plan to share what we read with the rest of our co-workers. I’m confident that our learning community will continue and grow as well… how can we merely exist when we can live, instead?

If you have a book recommendation, please share it here!


Growing… Living #SOL16 Day 1

5 thoughts on “Growing… Living #SOL16 Day 1

  1. Choice Words is one of my favorites! Mindset is the book that he references a lot throughout–it’s a little tougher to get through, but important. A Mindset for Learning is new and it’s really, really good. It’s by Kristine Mraz and Christine Hertz. Sounds like a great learning experience.


  2. I love Choice Words. It really reframed my thinking. Along those lines, I also got quite a bit out of Mark Overmeyer’s “Let’s Talk” and Carl Anderson’s “How’s it Going”…I really have been focused on conferring, listening, and altering the conversation in my classroom over the last few years. Quite honestly, I prefer the person I am becoming because of my (hopefully) choice words…


    1. That’s awesome, Brian. I have read both of those books and especially love Anderson’s work around conferring. I believe conferring is (like Patrick Allen says) a cornerstone of workshop.


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