10 Things Right Now… Slice of Life #10

sol  10 things on my mind and in my life today…

1. There are birds singing out in my front yard! It’s been a cold winter, and while I haven’t complained, the relief brought by warmer temperatures and the sweet chirping outside makes me smile.

2. Sick day. I’ve been fighting a terrible cold, went to school yesterday, and I’m paying for it by feeling even worse today. I have big plans for sleeping, reading if the head pressure diminishes, and eating soup.

3. Sleepy dogs.

Winter      Nanook

Both of them are sound asleep (Nanook awoke as I got closer for a photo), which would definitely anger my husband who was up letting them out then in twice during the night. Rascals!   

4. Hot coffee. I usually have to drink out of a travel mug, which diminishes the sensation of a hot mug in my hands, the steam warming my face, even the taste. Today, I can’t exactly taste it, but the warmth is there. Heaven!

5. Quiet. I’m crazy about quiet because it is such a luxury in my house. I’m going to savor it today~ no tv, just the hum of the refrigerator, the clicking of keys, and occasionally the furnace running. Except for the birds… it’s a sweet silence.

6. Speaking of birds and quiet, a pigeon just crashed into my window! It startled me and the dogs, but appears to have flown away just fine. We have plenty of pigeons, and they’ve expanded their nesting areas from our barn to the overhangs of our porch. It’s been suggested that we catch them and sell them to local gun clubs, but I don’t think I have the heart to do it. They don’t bother me!

7. Taxes and Fafsa. I need to get them both done this week, but today isn’t the day. I might try to get the paperwork all together to make my job easier later. That’s enough about that!

8.  Lifting fog. My living room just brightened enough to make me realize that I didn’t know how foggy it was. I hope that the fog in my head will likewise clear soon.

9. Returning to the woods. I love to run, hike and snowshoe on the trails just down the road. I’ve only been in the woods a few times this winter, though, so now that the sub-zero temps seem to have left, I’m ready to get back there. Tomorrow, I hope!

10. Here comes the weekend. My daughter comes home for spring break, which is always a good thing… One more girl in the house! She’s planning to work most of her break, so I’ll need to squeeze in quality girl time on the weekends. I’m really hoping to visit our local art museum, MOWA, and of course we’ll go for coffees and to our favorite Mexican restaurant. Girls just wanna have fun!

10 Things Right Now… Slice of Life #10

11 thoughts on “10 Things Right Now… Slice of Life #10

  1. Great idea for a slice today! I sometimes feel like I just need to dump several ideas out onto the page and see where it takes me. This would be a great way to do it so it isn’t just mush! Enjoy your girl time with your daughter!


  2. sallydonnelly11 says:

    I hope you feel better. But I’m glad you could have a quiet day to reflect and write. Based on your 10 things, you show so much about yourself. Your post would make a great mentor text
    For Show, Not Tell mini-lesson.


  3. Writing in the moment creates a slice of life that feels peaceful today, even though you are under the weather. Hope the day was restorative for your body and mind.


  4. rosecappelli says:

    I think listing like this is also a great way to brainstorm. Each of your ideas could be expanded into a longer piece. I think I may try it, too! Thanks!


  5. Judy C. says:

    Hope that your day of rest helped you feel better. Thanks for sharing your slice of 10 about you and what you’re doing. Have fun with your daughter. I get to be with mine in a couple of weeks.


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